Jered says his bag is a satchel and claims that since he does not wear it every day, it is not a man-purse/murse and therefore its an essential part of any man's wardrobe when he needs to carry extra items. Eric says that it looks like a cross between a purse and a fanny-pack and no heterosexual man should carry such an item.
satchel is the dog in the get fuzzy cartoon... what you are wearing is a man purse... sorry
sorry j...I was thinking it was like a briefcase/laptop case looking thing. I'd be okay with that. But that, my friend, is a man purse.
Definitely a man purse
I don't think it is a man-purse, but also does not qualify as a satchel
Eric, why would you ridicule your friend this way so publicly on the internet?
Even if it is a man-purse, it's not fair that a man can't use a device to carry his stuff. These days, we all have "stuff" to carry, and if it doesn't fit in our pockets, ya gotta use something. Call it men's liberation if you want to but the time has come for people to just accept the fact that men sometimes need bags other than a backpack or briefcase. Oh well, old habits die hard.
Some links:
It's not a purse
Man purse Denial
Seinfeld Episode script about manpurses
When did it become masculine to not be practical? It seems to me that anyone wising to bring several things with them, enough to constitute a bag, but not enough for a backpack, should be allowed a trendier bag, much like the one pictured. It would be far more ghetto to rock a plastic bag from Target.
Heres my ruling: If it carries his wallet, or tissues, its a man purse. If he is carrying other things, its a bag/satchel.
Its a fanny pack straped around your neck, take away the black part of the strap and its a certifiable fanny pack. Not big enough to carry anything that would be significantly uncomfortable to carry by hand. Except for those pesky pens. Where would they go? In a pocket perhaps?
Its a little strange that no one has chosen to use their name (real or fake) when commenting.
With the strap it looks like a purse. If you took off the strap it could be a fanny pack, but I'm not saying it is. If it was a different color or shade I would carry one just like it as a purse. No one carries a fanny pack anymore cause fanny packs look ridiculous and lower your good judge of character and decision making skills and make you look stupid. If Jered is comfortable carrying his bag around and still feel manly then more power to him. I say get a messenger bag type backpack that way you can carry it around your neck. What all do guys need to carry anyway? Women have purses for their wallet, camera, tissues, female products, lotion, spray, and other things. Guys don't carry that stuff. Usually if your in a good relationship or have good female friends the female has a big enough purse to carry extra things if guys needs to put something her purse so the guy doesn't have to carry extra. Loving girlfriends or friends will make room in their purse if they don't have enough so they can carry the guys stuff. My question is to Jered, what all do you have to carry that you need a bag for and how much room for your stuff do you need? I think it is cool that Jered can carry it around and not care what other people think. I think it is cool that Jered does not conform to others opinions and does what makes him comfortable and what is convenient. That shows true character but suggestions are always helpful and I suggest a messenger bag type backpack, just a loving suggestion.
y dont u just wear cargo pants for ur xtra stuff??? men dont need purses or sachels. anything to big to carry in your hands or pockets needs a backpack.
I'd like to know where I can pick one up. I am always in stores, carrying my grandchildren, I'm a young 37, so makes it difficult sometimes to reach in pockets for checkbook, glasses, cell phone, PSP OR DS LITE & games, pens, receipts, credit cards or change. I get so busy that sometimes I throw days worth of mail in my lunch bag and look through it when I have time, one of these would be great. I don't consider this a purse, and wouldn't be embarassed to lug one of these around.
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