Even your mom will like it

Should we do a dramatic reading of Beowulf on air?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mail Call (in honor of Memorial Day) 5-29-07

There is an old expression “fools rush in where angels fear to tread”; not that you are fools but treading on the God’s position on wars etc. has been tackled by theological scholars with extensive credentials and there is much disagreement in their positions. You know there is a big difference between an opinion and an educated opinion.

Now, your exchange on this subject was of value to me, because it reflected what I see from people from all walks of life and particularly celebrities; people with a lot of conviction but damn little knowledge of the facts. It struck me further because, I also have strong opinions on this subject (but not conviction). I am only smarter then most people in that I realize that I do not have conviction because I have not educated myself enough with the facts.

One should not confuse knowledge and intelligence; knowledge only comes with education. (Hey that’s good, I just made that up)

You see your pod cast did get me thinking; hopefully it does for others.

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