Should we do a dramatic reading of Beowulf on air?
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Mail Bag or um... Comment Bag...

Website of the Week
(In case you didn't know that the underlined word above was a link, here it is again)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Mail Bag 7-23-07
I have never shared your admiration for Hok. He is a terrific dancer in his field, but so one-dimensional. He cannot adjust over and for that reason alone, he should have been let go weeks ago. I think Sabra and Dominic have a good chance of winning - but things could change in the next couple weeks when they change partners. I never liked Dominic in the beginning, but he has grown on me. Jaime does not seem to have the well-roundedness required to win ( great dancer and great personality). I think Pasha is quite good, and Danny may be a great dancer, but does not have the winning personality required. I think Lacey can dance, but she doesn't ring true to me on her personality. It should be very interesting the next couple of weeks.
I am still hanging in on Pirate Master. I do not agree with you - I do not care for Azmyth at all. He pretends to be giving the crew a fair share, but inside I think he is quite diabolical and out to win no matter what the cost. I know this is the nature of reality t.v. - maybe it is his horrible dreadlocks that really turn me off. I think that Jupiter played dumb last week, and was not surprised to see her go. Up till then I would have thought she could hang in there closer to the end. At this point I have no idea who will win, and I am not passionate about any one person. But I do wish that the red tream could pull a win on one of these scavenger hunts. They need to change the pecking order up a little bit.
I do not believe that animals and the environment are here for our consumption and use. I think God put them in our care, and we should take care of it all as best we can, without using it too much for our own selfish needs, but sparingly so there they both will be here for the future generations to come.
Jay, that was a great quote - this world has everything, but nothing......... I didn't get to write it all down, would you send it to me?
You're still doing a great job, the both of you. You kind of got side-tracked from the initial discussion of this guy who was brought up on charges for making animals fight. But the discussion was good. Keep up the good work.
Here are the full lyrics to Derek Webb's "This World"
There's tarnish on the golden rule
And I wanna jump from this ship of fools
Show me a place where hope is young
And a people who are not afraid to love
This world has nothing for me and this world has everything
All that I could want and nothing that I need
This world is making me drunk on the spirit of fear.
So when you say who will go, I am nowhere near.
'Cuz this world has nothing for me and this world has everything
All that I could wanted and nothing that I need
But the least of these look like criminals to me
So I leave Christ on the street
This world has held my hand and has led me into intolerance
So now I'm breaking up, now I'm waking up
I'm making up for lost time
This world has nothing for me and this world has everything
All that I could want and nothing that I need (2x)
Monday, July 23, 2007
Wine 7-22-07
Here's what they say
You’ll first notice a rich, medium Ruby Red color in this Merlot,
with aromas of black cherry, cassis, red licorice, plum and a hint
of sage, balanced with notes from the oak aging, including vanilla,
toffee and toasty oak. The light to medium tannins provide some
heft for the wine, easing into a soft structure that offers a well
balanced wine that’s easy to drink. Surprisingly rich flavors of
cherry, vanilla and mocha combine with toasty oak. This is
one of our best vintages of the past few years.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Just as Confirmation
Stephen Biesty's Cross-Sections
Monday, July 9, 2007
Everything Brian
Mail Bag 7-9-07
Here’s an idea, walk down the street with a sign around your neck reading “I am very dangerous and I am not liable if I hurt you”. Kick the crap out of somebody and bring your sign as evidence to the judge. Hey! You warned him of the danger!
Here come de judge!
Bold Bengals Pre-Predictions
@ Cleveland: Eric W Jered W
@ Seattle: Jered W Eric L
New England: Eric L Jered L
@ Kansas City: Eric W Jered W
Jets: Eric W Jered W
Pittsburgh: Jered L Eric W
@ Buffalo: Eric W Jered W
@ Baltimore: Jered L Eric L
Arizona: Eric W Jered W
Tennessee: Jered W Eric L
@ Pittsburgh: Eric L Jered W
St. Louis: Jered W Eric W
@ San Francisco: Jered L Eric W
@ Cleveland: Eric W Jered W
@ Miami: Jered L Eric W
Jered 11-5 Eric 11-5
Creation Museum
"The Creation Museum presents a unique and unparalleled experience, a walk
through time portraying significant, life-altering events of the past,
illuminating the effects of biblical history on our present and future
world. Be prepared to experience history in a completely unprecedented
way. The state-of-the-art 60,000 square foot museum brings the pages of the Bible to life, casting its characters and animals in dynamic
form and placing them in familiar settings. Adam and Eve live in the Garden of
Eden. Children play and dinosaurs roam near Eden’s Rivers. The serpent coils cunningly in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Majestic murals, great
masterpieces brimming with pulsating colors and details, provide a backdrop for
many of the settings.
The area within the museum has been divided into unusually configured spaces that allow for personal interaction with each of the 160 exhibits. Several parts of the museum, including the stunning forty-foot high portico with its cliff wall and floor-to-ceiling glass windows, flaunt open spaces and remarkable designs. Walk through the Garden of Eden. The Tree of Life, central to the garden, stretches out its branches, laden with ripened fruits. Come face-to-face with a sauropod, a dinosaur of incredible dimensions. His monstrous frame moves through the low-lying thicket as he grazes on plants. Introduce yourself to our chameleons. Examine bones, a clutch of eggs from a dinosaur, an exceptional fossil collection, and a mineral collection. Walk
through the Cave of Sorrows and see the horrific effects of the Fall of man.
Sounds of a sin-ravaged world echo through the room. Finally, see the sacrificial Lamb on the cross, and the hope of redemption. The themes of the exhibits resound in the theater presentations: Men in White, Six Days of Creation, The Last Adam, and Dinosaurs and Dragons. Our Special Effects Theater, complete with rumbling seats and rising mists, takes visitors on a fantastic quest to find the real purpose and meaning of life. Each seat is a rocket launching pad in our Stargazers Planetarium. Prepare for lift-off. The digital projector showcases a spectacular gravity-defying spaceflight, a thrilling 22-minute ride billions of light years away to the vast outer regions of our universe. Breathtaking images and inconceivable distances make this cosmic journey under the dome a fully engaging experience.
See the scaffolding, smell the freshly-cut timbers in the busy work site of Noah’s Ark. Delve into the belly of the Ark and imagine the
stalls full of animals, in close quarters. Listen to the sounds of thunderous,
driving rains and the pounding of water against the sides of the great Ark.
You will find our dinosaurs living in our gardens and sauntering throughout
our exhibit halls. These eye-blinking, mouth-chewing, tail-swinging creatures
may startle a few of our guests. Children will be excited to see the variety of
sculpted dinosaurs in our collection, including the stegosaur, dilophosaur, and
of course, the giant Tyrannosaurus rex! They can saddle up on our triceratops
and have their picture taken with a dinosaur. "
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Mail Bag (7-4-07)
Pirate Master - Maybe because I have missed a couple episodes, or maybe because I am an avid "Survivor" fan, the show doesn't seem to grab me too much. Perhaps you like it because you have never watched Survivor, or Amazing Race, or any other show when the contestants get cut-throat. The addition of money does not make it more interesting than when contestants become "ugly" just because they are. I probably will continue to watch it as there doesn't seem to be anything opposite it that is worth while, but I find the show a little lame.
Your topic about is America Christian? etc. is a good one. I do agree that it is easy for Americans to be Christian. Most have the finances for it and they never feel threatened for their religion or their help. Does government have some Christianity as a basis - I would say absolutely not. The government has lots of money and when doing the right thing, expects lots of votes in return. If something comes out of politics as "Christian," I do believe that it is an accident or a coincidence. Most people in power are more worried about their image than anything else. They give to groups who have a big "vote" capability - I truly believe that most of the time they are looking out for no.1. Maybe I have a warped view, but I don't think so.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Mail Bag 7-2-07 (Brian Speaks)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Mail Bag 6-25-07 (Great Response!)
Your brief musical theatre discussion: First of all, Gaston is NOT a lame character. He adds a huge amount of humor to the show, and the lyrics to some of his songs are funny as heck when he talks about how great he thinks he is. He is not annoying, and he is one of the funniest "villians" around.
As for Grease, Grease 2, Footloose, Bye Bye Birdie and all the other shows you put down, the music does count for something and these shows have good music. You put down teenagers for liking and promoting the continuance of these shows, but just remember, if the younger set does not become hooked on musical theatre ( even if it takes these nonsensical shows with "bubble gum music to hook them) they would not grow up to be the adults who do enjoy musical theatre and keep it going on Broadway. I expose my grandchildren to these types of musicals, hoping they get the "bug" for the theatre and love and enjoy it as adults. Younger fans make adult fans, and I don't think shows like Les Mis, Miss Saigon, Aida ( a really stupid show) etc. will peek many youngsters' interest first time around.
It never ceases to amaze me on how many facets you can talk about in a single cigar. Not being a cigar smoker myself, it is stunning that you can critique a cigar in so many different aspects. Wow!!!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Speak of the Devil

Monday, June 11, 2007
Mail Bag 6-11-07
Check out the comments of the people here. The Element: C3 nation has spoken
FYI - it was Lancelot who sang "If ever I would leave you." I am not particularly fond of Camelot per se, but it was the first of the 3 shows I saw on Broadway when my parents took me to New York, and it just so happened that Robert Goulet was just coming into his own, and did play Lancelot. Since they were my first Broadway shows ever, they bring back memories.
I would totally love a Broadway review show with singing, etc. I probably am in the minority, but to me it sounds fantastic. I do agree with you about Marius - I always said he was a wimp! Some other bigger roles, that really are not that great, would be the young Lieutenant in South Pacific who falls in love with the Polynesian girl - he was kind of a sissy. Can't think of his name. Probably before your time anyway. Another would be Tony in West Side Story. Another would be the grown up nephew of Mame in Mame. Maybe there's a pattern here - the romantic male lead seems to often be kind of weak in strength and character.
Lieutenant Joe Cable was the name of the South Pacific character. I think you're on to something here... As I recall the GI Chris from Miss Saigon was also a sissy role to play. Come to think of it In Miss Saigon, both Ellen and Kim love Chris, while in Les Miserables, both Cosette and Eponine love Marius. I think its a love triangle thing...
Your discussion on Churches who have all the answers vs those who admit they are still searching, leaves me puzzled. Having been a Catholic all my life - you are right - I have never really questioned what they have taught me about Christ. But to me if you are going to belong to a faith community of any kind, it would seem that more could be accomplished if everyone were on the same page as opposed to questioning everything all the time. I have to believe that all these churches you refer to must have most of it right, even if some things are open to interpretation. Don't you think that you can spend far too much time trying to figure out every little thing about Christ and the Bible, and not spend enough time living like Christ? As long as you have the basics - like the 10 commandments for example, or the beatitudes, isn't that enough to get you started? I think you can put too much emphasis on finding the right church when time could be better spent just living like Jesus did.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Mail Bag 6-8-07
I would be curious why you both are so opposed to giving the same rating in your rating system. It would probably have more impact if you both felt exactly the same way about things. Doesn't have to be always, but it is not a mortal sin if you both arrive at the same conclusion - like 3 puffs of smoke, for example
Why not just a carry-all bag? Utility bag? transport bag? What is wrong with just a BAG?
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Man-Purse/Murse or Satchel? You decide!
Jered says his bag is a satchel and claims that since he does not wear it every day, it is not a man-purse/murse and therefore its an essential part of any man's wardrobe when he needs to carry extra items. Eric says that it looks like a cross between a purse and a fanny-pack and no heterosexual man should carry such an item.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Mail Bag 6-5-07
Great idea... coming soon Satchel-gate 2007!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Mail Bag 5/30/07
Your guest Gary was good - he had some decent input - tell him - good job.
Other new shows to follow: On the Lot ( although the show is not that great)
Hell's Kitchen ( starting Monday on Fox) the guy is a maniac.
A new show beginning on Thursday by the producers of Survivor - something about a treasure or pirates or ....
So You think you can Dance - by far the best of the lot!
Your podcast was better than usual. Not as much humor as I am used to, but the content was good. Keep plugging away
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Mail Call (in honor of Memorial Day) 5-29-07
Now, your exchange on this subject was of value to me, because it reflected what I see from people from all walks of life and particularly celebrities; people with a lot of conviction but damn little knowledge of the facts. It struck me further because, I also have strong opinions on this subject (but not conviction). I am only smarter then most people in that I realize that I do not have conviction because I have not educated myself enough with the facts.
One should not confuse knowledge and intelligence; knowledge only comes with education. (Hey that’s good, I just made that up)
You see your pod cast did get me thinking; hopefully it does for others.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Wine of the Week 5-27-07
Regal aromas of cherry, berry and cassis, and classical varietal notes of
cedar and tobacco leaf are augmented by black pepper and mint. Full-bodied with
superb structure, it has intense fruit and cocoa flavors, and a lingering, silky
Casillero del Diablo Carmenere 2005. Here's what they say:
Soft and well structured mouth filling texture. Notes of dark plums
and spice, generously framed by toasty American Oak
Listen to this week's episode to find out what we thought.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Thursday Mail Bag
2. The conversation about the placenta was certainly a different topic. I would be curious to know if you got any flack for that or if everyone just took it in stride. Not a bad topic - just different.
3. I disagree about your feelings on Graduation. You two may not see any value in it - but I truly believe that after putting in your time at school and accomplished graduation status - it doesn't hurt to have a ceremony acknowledging your time and efforts. Many people get very little recognition in their lives - let them get it - no matter how small - for that accomplishment.
4. I kind of liked the chair - it was an interesting sound effect for the show.
5. Eric - you are quite the horticulturist - you knew the name of a plant. I'm impressed!
6. Did I sense any animosity during that podcast????
7. What ever happened about your various contests? You throw them out to your audience, but don't ever give any completion - or even an update. What's up with that?
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mail Bag 5/14/07
Neil Diamond on your recommended music list; there is hope for you, guess I know where the exposure to Neil cam from.
“Chaty Lake”
Neil is a legend... Gotta love Lovescape..."Do the best you can"
Mon 5/14/07 12:01 PM
I listened to your podcast while working my machines at the gym today ( not the treadmill) and you two were cracking me up. I'm sure all the people there thought I was nuts because I was smiling and laughing the whole time. I still think the biggest strength of your podcast is your banter and your humor. Not that you don't talk about important topics - it's just that I do truly enjoy the laughs!
American Idol - I do think that Randy has a more difficult time than Simon when he has to say something negative about a performance, so he tries to downplay it sometimes. Paula has no idea how to do anything else but dance, applaud ,cry and say she is so proud of people. I personally think it will be Jordin or Blake who wins - I don't think that Shrek will make the final two. Probably it will be Jordin as the "idol."
Thanks for the feedback! You're right on about the American Idol judges... Paula just wants to stand in a circle around her pocketbook and shoes and dance.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Changing Times
Fast fact: the CD player was invented in 1984
Friday, May 11, 2007
Mail Bag 5/11/07
Nice , even though your taste in music and movies etc. sucks!
Monday, May 7, 2007
New Contest, Better Prizes
Jered & I have decided to send one lucky listener a FREE copy of Derek Webb's latest CD titled, The Ringing Bell. All you have to do is send us one form of art (written essay, painting, sculpture, song, photo, etc.) describing who God is to you and we will post the wining entry and send you your very own copy of Derek Webb's newest CD. For more details and to hear our review and rousing discussion, listen to the lastest episode. You have 2 weeks to submit your entries... ready, set, go!
Wine Review Rancho Zabaco 2002 Zinfandel
This 2002 Red Zinfandel is a nice inexpensive wine that will go well with or without your favorite dish. To hear our review please check out the week 13 show.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Monday's Mail Bag
Thanks for mentioning me on the podcast! I feel important now.
Please forward on all hot ladies that are interested in me. BTW...i guess
i'm now a regular listener. 3 weeks in a row!
Mon 4/30/07 5:42 PM
I see most of your time was spent on Don Imus and to me the whole thing with him was a little out of perspective. This country needs to chill out a little and not take everyone and everything they say so seriously. Unless someone is deliberately setting out to be cruel and hateful, most of this should roll off everyone's back and lighten up! Every group could call attention to derogatory remarks made about them - and so - where does it stop? Until prejudice is totally gone from this earth ( maybe in a million or so years) people need to ignore it and not let it get to them. They should also remember that their self-image should come from their inner self and not from what others say about them. Geeesh!
I am seriously considering giving up American Idol in the future. It has just become way toooo long and stretched out for my tastes! Let's conclude it for this season as quickly as possible and get on with other things.
How many "ducks" showed up on the windowsill after the podcast? Jay, hope you feel better.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Wine Review for 4-29
As always the California Zinfandel is a challenging and rewarding wine to produce. Severe selection criteria and master blending show in the final product, which showcases a wide array of dark berry fruit including black cherry and raspberry. Additionally, spice notes and a lasting finish of vanilla from oak aging and firm, supple tannins add complexity to this wine. This wine is ready to drink now and will continue to develop complexity over the next three to four years
Hopefully it gets better with age because, to be honest, even for the low price of $9.99 it wasn't that good. You'd be better off taking that $10 and spending it to see The Pathfinder, yeah its that bad. After tasting this wine, I really don't feel that bad for Jered being sick... at least he didn't have the ability to taste or smell the "complexity" of this wine.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Observations From Q
Observation: Christians often spend most of their time talking about themselves
Direct quotes from one said Christian:
"I struggle just as much as the homeless, I need to have a lot of humility to step out of my comfort zone and help them."
"I am the only person in my city who cares . . . And I am tired"
Monday, April 23, 2007
Listener Recipe (As Promised)
1 box heresy's chocolate chunk brownie mix (or your preferred brownie
1 packet chocolate chip cookie mix
Recipe works best with
brownie mixes that call for a 9 x 13 pan.
Line pan with tin foil
for easy flipping, spray the tin foil after you line the pan with it.
the box of brownies as directed on box when finished scrap batter into
the pan.
Bake for 3/4 the time directed on box.
While the brownies are
baking mix chocolate chip cookies.
Place wax paper on counter.
rolling pin roll cookie dough to length and with of the pan.
brownies are 3/4 done pull them out, pick up the wax paper and flip the
cookie dough on the brownies cookie side down, peel off wax paper.
for 15 minutes.
(If the brownie part is a bit gooey in the middle
but the cookie is done flip the whole thing upside down on a cookie sheet
and with brownie side up cook for 5-10 minutes.)
American Idol BOLD Predictions
Jered: Blake Lewis & Melinda Doolittle
Eric: Blake Lewis & Jordin Sparks
Let us know who you think will be in the finals...
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Week 11 Wine Review
The wine is immediately approachable with lots of ripe dark fruit flavors of blackberry, blueberry and black cherry complemented by bright red fruit flavors of raspberry and strawberry. Spicy notes of black pepper and vanilla add layers which allow the fruits to be the star. With its bright, vibrant fruit flavors, soft mouthfeel and zesty personality, this wine can go with just about any dish. Always great with the spice of BBQ or grilled meats, Zinfandel is a perfect match for rich pasta sauces, pizza or Mexican influenced dishes. Open a bottle today and release the Bull!
Check out this week's podcast for our review...
Friday, April 20, 2007
Jeepers Creepers
And note . . . Sadly . . . I am a follower . . . Which most likely makes me judgmental and creepy
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Sanjaya Gives Us Something To Talk About (Again)
On the next broadcast Jered & I will be giving our bold predicitons for the final two contestants. Email us your thoughts at
Monday, April 16, 2007
Important Starburst Update
Listener Response
...we both smiled and it caused a moment of peace and happiness in the family
with my parents and I getting along. The topic and conversation about a pic of
the two of you and your podcast sparked a positive happy informative
conversation about religion and personal beliefs which ment the world to me
cause religion is one thing that is not ever talked about in my family. I just
wanted to say thanks.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Wine Review Week of 4-15-07
Our 2005 Ménage à Trois exposes the fresh, ripe, jam like fruit that is the calling card of California wine. Forward, silky and soft, this delicious dalliance makes the perfect accompaniment for grilled meats or chicken.
This week's special guest David really liked the Ménage à Trois (yeah he did)
The second wine is Silver Peak Winery's 2001 Red Zinfandel (no website, sorry).
Listen to this week's podcast for our reviews on both of these wines.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Wine of the Week 4-8-07
Our 2003 Spellbound Cabernet Sauvignon exemplifies lush textures and bold dark
fruit flavors with a slight hint of oak and spice. Cedar and tobacco aromas
compliment integrated lively tannins fill out your palate allowing the wine
to be consumed on its own or with your favorite food.
I thought it was a solid wine with a subtle taste and was not overpowering. Jered appreciated the fruity flavor and thought it was one of the best Cabernets he's ever had. Check out the latest episode for the full review.
Check out online at
Friday, April 6, 2007
Brain = Carry-On Luggage
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Barack Obomination?

"An undergraduate student's papier mache sculpture of Obama as a messianic
figure — entitled "Blessing" — went on display Saturday at a downtown gallery
run by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. By Monday, word of the piece
had spread on political blogs, and the school had been flooded with calls.
David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the
attention Obama has received since he first hinted he may run for the
"All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort of a potential savior that might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said. "In a lot of ways it's about caution in assigning all these inflated expectations on one individual, and expecting them to change something that many hands have shaped." (Link)